Should You Ask Me by Marianne Kavanagh
Genre: Crime
Source: Hodder & Stoughton
This had been a compelling story; of lies, betrayal and of course murder. It is a slow paced story, but addictive and beautiful that will make us revive the war in a different way... Ready to know the truth?
"Should you ask me of D-Day, I would say
'Cataracts', for that night the sky roared, pulsing
Wave upon wave of heavy-bellied engines;
And afterwards, in blue morning, crimson roses,
I found, had fallen from their fence-board moorings,
Falling, cascading - not like blood, nor rubies,
Nor fire, nor any metaphor...
just roses,
A waterfall of English roses...
Come the third cataract, a lone lark singing,
High, high above the empty planes-ways, hidden
Among the sunbeams..."
Should You Ask Me, Vera Rich
I am sure you know what is talking to elderly people, they want to explain things their way, so that's what happens in this book, Mary Holmes has decided to go to the police and tell what she knows of the human remains that had been found, but in her way, from the beginning... And that's not what William Wills, the officer who will have to listen to Mary's history wants... He has his own problems, but Mary knows how to enchant her audience with her story, making William listen to her story for 6 days... As we read the "confession" we start discovering William's past too, making the two characters' stories be linked together and putting William in a difficult decision. Telling the truth or keep the past buried...
The story is powerful, the characters feel real and the background of the war makes the story more dark and dangerous feeling the oppressive situation Britain was living. It was a delightful read!
This is the first book I've read by Marianne Kavanagh, but it was a great discovery and I can't wait to read her next novels.
Ready to know the truth?Labels: 2018, Blog Tour, Book, Crime, Review