I am sure that not everybody knows what really means living with color blindness, it's something you don't share to everyone and sometimes trying to decipher which colour is what you are looking is quite difficult if you don't have someone near you to help.
I discovered today this prototype created by Chen Zhi Liang for Noma, so I don't know if they will never be available to buy or simply will be a design, but I love the idea. This is a way to teach the colours with forms that everyone see equally instead of the colours.
“NOMA is a conceptual packaging design for colour pencils targeting the colour deficient. The packaging uses a symbol-coded system to represent each colour. The overall graphics focuses on creating a smooth and uninterrupted user experience. The unique structure of the packaging allows the user to separate the colour pencils into dark and light tones. The packaging can further be a pencil stand or as flat packaging according to user preference.”
Don't you love it?
Labels: Colours, Design, Products, Prototype