Gone Without Trace by Mary Torjussen - Blog Tour

Gone Without Trace by Mary Torjussen
Genre: Mystery
Source: Bookbridgr, Headline
Rating: 4/5

When I am happy and life seems easy I think that I am just dreaming and that tomorrow I will wake up and everything will be gone; my husband, my son, my happiness... That's what happened to Hannah, she had an amazing day at work and she can not wait to arrive at home and tell her boyfriend the good news... but when she arrives he is gone, he had removed all his possessions and left the house like he never existed! Where did he go? What was he hiding?

"So if the flowers were dying this morning and fresh this evening, someone must have replaced them. And it wasn't mw, I shook my head. I knew it wasn't me. I'd been at work all day! I was sure I hadn't bought any from the supermarket. I opened my purse to find the receipt, and swore as I realised I'd thrown it in the bin as I left the shop."

Let me say something, from the first line I don't like Hanna's friends, they are selfish and don't want to help her, even when they see that Hanna doesn't want to stop searching until she talks to Matt. They just say to her to forget about it, forget that he ever existed, she spend 4 years with him; living with him, loving him... I can understand that she needs answers!
I liked this book, I've read it in a single sitting, but I am still deciding if I liked the ending... I've been reading lately a lot of books with an amazing twist at the end, and it starts to feel that you've been cheated, that the writer doesn't tell you the complete truth about the story, to make a big surprise at the end. I can not say that I didn't like it, but I am starting to get used to this final twists...!
The story in engaging, you become obsessed like Hannah to discover the truth, not eating, sleeping or working at all... until you find Matt and discover why she left you... or who's calling your house and leaving flowers and notes... maybe Matt is in danger and he needs our help!
If you are searching for a mystery book, engaging, addictive and with a couple of surprising twists, this is for you!
What secrets do you hide from your partner?

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