Genre: Fiction
Rating: 5/5
Alex knows that something has to change in his life, but not sure what it is. He spends his days living in his best friend house and tries to understand his son... Until one day he discovers that with Minecraft he can "speak" with Sam, his autistic son, then everything will change...
Will he be able to break the invisible walls and connect finally to his son?
"'We agreed, Alex,' she says through gritted teeth. 'And I've written it on his timetable.' Every morning, Jody draws a cartoon guide to Sam's day, so he can see when he has to get dressed, when he'll eat, and what he'll be doing until bedtime. At weekends, he carries it around with him, consulting it regularly. If it's on the timetable, it has to happen."
Parenting is something scary and difficult no matter how you look at it. Kids are always difficult, but if they have any problem everything would be just impossible to cope.
It's not easy to know what an autistic child thinks or likes, difficult to connect with them, not because you don't try it, but don't know how to interact with them without upsetting them. But, sometimes we forget that they are still kids, with dreams and fantasies that only their parents can fulfil.
This is a beautiful book, touchable and tender that will make you cry and laugh while you connect with this special family and understand that Alex just wants to help Sam.
This book made me cry because I know how you feel when your baby starts smiling and talking, so I can understand how Alex just wants his son to be normal and interact with him, and doesn't know how to do it. But at the end, I think the parents understand that no matter what problems our son could have, you just want them to be happy and safe.
This is an amazing book, one that will be with me for a long time. I just can say, read it!Labels: 2017, Blog Tour, Book, Review