Genre: Suspense, Thriller, Crime
Rating: 4/5
Ready to spend your next 72 hours in tension, without eating nor sleeping?
You will feel the pain, the fear, the sorrow of Corinne and Roza, because they are kidnapped by a serial killer who just want to pass the time torturing his guests.
Faith´s days will not be easy, she will have to survive a few attempts to murder her and discover that she is not just escaping from a stalker, she is the target of a serial killer. Everything seems connected to Faith´s legacy, is the murderer nearer than she thinks?
"This will all be mine some day, Faith, and when I die it'll be yours, so pay attention. This is your legacy and it's high time your learned to appreciate it."
The memory of her mother's voice doused her excitement. She could recall the fear that had filled her at her mother's words, like it was yesterday. "But I don't want my legacy, she'd replied. Not if it makes you die, Mama".
An affectionate tug on her pigtail. "Silly girl, I'm not going anywhere for years and years. You'll be Gran's age before this place is yours".
And in her eight-year old eyes Gran was already ancient. "Then I have lots of time to learn about my "legacy", don't I?"
This is another gripping, fascinating book of Karen Rose.
She's one of my favourite writers and she didn't disappoint me with this catchy book.
I was expecting the Deacon story, with his white hair and his special eyes! He is a hero or a superhero? With his super jacket and the Kevlar you can get confused...
Faith will be his perfect match, intelligent, curious and ready to risk her life for anyone she cares.
They will have to live some very frightening moments together, but if they survive maybe they will have a little bit more relaxed life, don't you think?
Like always, Karen had made an amazing thriller, with lots of death and curious plot twists (of course the killer will not be the one who you are expecting!).
I wonder which will be the next "hero" book... Adam? Maybe we will know what is really happening to him... or Dani? it would be interesting have a psycho doctor!
Ready to spend your next 72 hours without eating nor sleeping and in tension? The danger is closer than you think...
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